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  • 关于英语一年级下册各单元重点句型

    发布时间: 2021-01-11 13:16首页:思美词典 > 签名 > 阅读()

    (一)喜欢和不喜欢句型:(module 1-2)

    (1)A:What do you like? (你喜欢什么)   What does he/she like? (他/她喜欢什么?)

    B:I like jigsaws. (我喜欢拼图)     He/She likes bikes.(他/她喜欢自行车)

    (2)A:Do you like dolls? (你喜欢娃娃吗?)

    B:Yes, I do./No, I don‘t. (是的,我喜欢/不,我不喜欢)

    (3)I don’t like this party. (我不喜欢这个聚会)

    He/She dosen‘t like these shoes. (他/她不喜欢这双鞋)

    (二)have句型:(module 3)

    (1)We have English in the morning. (早上我们有英语课)

    (2)Do you have Maths in the afternoon? (下午你有数学课吗?)

    Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (是的,我有。/不,http://www.6yyy7.com/6/yuwen/我没有)

    (三)时间句型:(module 4-5)

    (1)A:What‘s the time now? (现在几点了?)

    B:It’s 2 o‘clock. (两点了)

    It’s half past 7. (7点半了)

    (2)A:Is it 5 o‘clock? (是5点吗?)

    B:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

    (3)I get up at 7 o‘clock in the morning. (我早上7点起床)

    I have breakfast at half past 7 in the morning. (我早上7点半吃早饭)

    (四)有关周末活动的句型:(module 6-7)

    (1)A:What do you do at the weekend? (周末你做什么?)

    B:I watch TV. (我看电视)

    (2)A:Do you play football at the weekend? (你周末踢足球吗?)

    B:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

    (3)A:Where do you play football? (你在哪踢足球?)

    B:I play at the park. (我在公园踢)

    (五)交通方式句型:(module 8)

    (1)A:How do you go to school? (你怎么去学校?)

    B:I go to school by bus.(我乘公共汽车去上学)

    I walk to school. (我步行去学校)

    (2)A:How does your father go to work? (你爸爸怎么去上班?)

    B:He goes to work by bike. (他骑自行车去上班)

    (3)A:Does Tom go to school by car? (Tom 乘小汽车去上学吗?)

    B:Yes, he does./ No, he doesn‘t.

    (六)有关四季的句型:(module 9)

    (1)It’s spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter.

    (2)It‘s warm/ hot/ cool/ cold.

    (3 ) We wear jackets.

    (七)有关新年的句型:(module 10)

    Happy new year.(新年快乐)

    Happy Christmas.(圣诞快乐)

    We eat dumplings at Chinese new year. (在中国的新年我们吃饺子)

    1. What do you see? I see a frog/rabbit/bee/bird.
    2. What do you hear? I hear a hen/sheep/dog/cat.
    3. Smell the noodles, Ben. Taste the soup, Kitty. It’s nice. Yummy. Yummy.
    4. I like balls. I like dolls. I like kites. I like bicycles.
    5. Do you like sweets/jelly/biscuit/ice cream? Yes./ No. I like…
    6. Hello! What do you like? I like water/cola/juice/milk.
    7. Spring is green. Spring is warm. Summer is red. Summer is hot.
    8. How is the weather? It’s cloudy/sunny/rainy/windy.
    9. What do you need? I need a new T-shirt/dress/shorts/blouse.
    10. What can you do? I can sing/dance/draw.
    What can she/he do? She/He can ride/skip/play/fly.
    11. Happy New Year! A gift /card for you, Kitty. Thank you.
    12. I’m the wolf/boy/farmer /narrator.



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