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  • 小学英语一年级英语下册单元学习【Unit1-3】

    发布时间: 2021-01-10 11:10首页:思美词典 > 签名 > 阅读()

    【导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会举一反三。以下是本站为大家整理的《小学英语一年级英语下册单元学习【Unit1-3】》 供您查阅。


    New Year

      Students' Book Page 2

      Let's act

      Show me your present.Try your new shoes.

      Students' Book Page 3

      Let's talk

      How are you?I am fine,thank you.Very well,and you?

      Happy New Year!Happy New Year!

      Students' Book Page 4

      Let's learn


      uncle aunt grandmother grandfather


      uncle aunt grandmother grandfather

      Students' Book Page 5

      Let's play

      Make a New Year Card

      Draw.Write.Fold.Happy New Year,Miss Li!

      Students' Book Page 6

      Let's enjoyStory

      1.I like the sweets.

      2.I like the new dress.

      3.I like the new shoes.

      4.Happy New Year!

      1.I like the sweets.

      2.I like the new dress.

      3.I like the new shoes.

      4.Happy New Year!

      Work Book Page 2

      Look,listen and respond.

      Work Book Page 3

      Listen and tick √ the correct picture.


    Small animals

      Students' Book Page 7

      Let's act

      One,two,three,I am a bee.Four,five,I am a bird.

      Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit.Nine,ten,I am a frog.

      One,two,three,I am a bee. Four,five,I am a bird.

      Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit.Nine,ten,I am a frog.

      Students' Book Page 8

      Let's talk

      I see a butterfly.I see a frog .I see a rabbit.

      Students' Book Page 9

      Let's learn


      bird rabbit butterfly frog bee


      bird rabbit butterfly frog bee

      Students' Book Page 10

      Let's play


      What do you see? I see a ...

      Students' Book Page 11

      Let's enjoy


      One little,Two little,Three little rabbits.Four little,Five little,Six little rabbits.

      Seven little,Eight little,Nine little rabbits.Ten little paper rabbits.

      One little,Two little,Three little rabbits.Four little,Five little,Six little rabbits.

      One little,Two little,Three little rabbits.Four little,Five little,Six little rabbits.

      Seven little,Eight little,Nine little rabbits.Ten little paper rabbits.

      One little,Two little,Three little rabbits.Four little,Five little,Six little rabbits.

      Seven little,Eight little,Nine little rabbits.Ten little paper rabbits.

      Work Book Page 6

      Listen and circle the correct picture.



      Students' Book Page 12

      Let's act

      Make eight kites.Colour the kites.Pick out the red kite.

      Students' Book Page 13

      Let's talk

      How many kites?Seven.

      Is it blue?No.

      How many kites?Seven.

      Is it blue?No.

      Students' Book Page 14

      Let's learn


      red blue yellow green pink purple brown orange


      red blue yellow green pink purple brown orange

      Students' Book Page 15

      Let's play


      What colour is it? It is ... It is a/an ...

      Students' Book Page 16

      Let's enjoy


      One,two Red and blue.Up and down,Orange and brown.

      Kites in the sky,Flying very high.

      One,two Red and blue.Up and down,Orange and brown.

      Kites in the sky,Flying very high.

      Work Book Page 11

      Listen and tick √ the correct box.



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