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  • 小学一年级英语下册第七单元测试题

    发布时间: 2021-01-06 10:43首页:思美词典 > 签名 > 阅读()

    这篇《小学一年级英语下册第七单元测试题》,是本站特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一. 听力部分(40%)

      1. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)10%

      1) cow (  ) can (  )  2)beach (  ) bear (  )  3)ride (  ) skip (  )

      4)cloud (  )clean (  ) 5)plate (  ) play (  )   6)bowl (  ) boat (  )

      7)sit (  ) six (  )   8)wind (  ) window (  )  9)soup (  ) soap (  )

      10)summer (  ) supper (  )

      2. Listen and finish (听录音,完成下列单词)10%

      1)y___ll___ ___ 2)u___de___ 3)___in___e___ 4)___ ___ee  5)w___er___

      6)l___ve  7)m___ ___k  8)d___es___  9)c___ ___t  10)co___d

      3. Listen and number (听录音,按顺序给下列图编号)10%

      (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

      (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

      4.Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

      1. (  ) Show me that little dog.

      (  ) Give me a big hot dog.

      2. (  ) The brown bag is big, but the green bag is small.

      (  ) The blue bag is small, but the black bag is big.

      3. (  ) Merry Christmas.

      (  ) Happy New Year.

      4. (  ) Come to my room. There is a big new TV.

      (  ) Go to my room. There is a nice sofa in it.

      5. (  ) Look at the teacher. She‘s tall and thin.

      (  ) Look at that teacher. He’s big and tall.

      5.Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

      1) Don‘t ________(writeead) in the sun.

      2) Our teacher is in Room ________(457548).

      3) There are some ________(bearshorses) in Shanghai Zoo.

      4) There is a lamp ________(underon) the table.

      5) We like to fly the ________(catkite) in the playground.

      二.  阅读部分:60%

      一年级英语下册第七单元测试题1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)1) a___ ___   2) ___ s ___    3) ___ f ___

      4) ___p ___   5) ___ ___x

      2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

      h___t  s___mme___  she___l   s___nd   b___ ___ch

      cl___ ___d   s___n  sk___   sp___ ___n  pla___ ___

      3.Read and circle(读一读,圈出和例词同类的词)10%

      1) go  red  come duck     2) green  Ann  tree  white

      3) pig  hear  cow   pupil   4) face   girl  run  mouth

      5) chick  pencil little  horse   6) pencil  girl  rubber  tall

      7) table  desk  sweet  book   8) in     there  under sofa

      9) taxi   chick  cluck  van   10) winter  summer sand shell

      三. Fill(写出下列单词的复数形式)5%

      1) rubber ________   2) friend ________   3) sheep ________

      4) knife ________   5) pencil ________

      四. Choose(选择正确的答案)10%

      1) (  ) I see _______ old man on the road.

      A. a     B. an     C. am

      2) (  ) ---I’m sorry.


      A. Thank you.   B. You are welcome.   C. It‘s OK.

      3) (  ) Let’s pick ______ the shells.

      A. on    B. up     C. in

      4) (  ) There are some ______.

      A. breads   B. a bread   C. bread

      5) (  ) There ______ two beds in the room.

      A. is     B. are    C. am

      6) (  ) I have some ______ in my hands.

      A. book    B. a book   C. books

      7) (  ) It‘s cold. Put ______ your coat.

      A. on    B. off     C. in

      8) (  ) ______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.

      A. Who   B. What    C. Where

      9) (  ) ______ is your friend? Miss Hu.

      A. Who   B. What    C. Where

      10) (  ) They have three ______.

      A. bowl   B. a bowl   C. bowls

      五. Read and fill(选择’is‘或’are‘填入。)5%

      1) There ________ an umbrella in my bag.

      2) The shirt ________ white.

      3) Horses ________ brown.

      4) There ________ some water in the bowl.

      5) There ________ some animals in the zoo.

      六. Read and circle(读句子,圈出正确的图片)5%

      1) Let’s play on the beach.        2) Don‘t climb the tree.

      A.        B.        A.        B.

      3) The cloud is white.          4) Summer is hot.

      A.        B.        A.        B.

      5) Let’s play with sand.




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